June 29, 2011

Top Ten Videos of 2010- Haley Earl-Lynn & Kristiana Lehn

Staff DJs Haley Earl-Lynn and Kristiana Lehn have collaborated to put together a list of their top ten music videos from 2010. Enjoy!

Baths (Live), myspace.com/bathsmusic

10. Tennis- South Carolina


Yes, there are some breasts, sequins, birds, and dancing women in this video. YouTube flags it as inappropriate for viewers under 18. Luckily we are all mature here. This black and white video with dancing, scantily clad women has an old world feel and so does the tune. Tennis is on the rise and I can’t wait to catch them on their current tour.

9. She and Him- In the Sun


No one can deny- Zooey Deschanel is precious. M. Ward is lucky to have her in his band and Ben Gibbard is lucky to have her as his wife. She and Him’s In the Sun video plays up Zooey’s cute factor. That is why it is tops. I would imagine if Zooey were to stare on Glee it would look something like this video.

8. Health- We Are Water


It must be stated that this video is amazing because it is terrifyingly creepy. Health turned over the creative duty to Eric Wareheim (of Tim and Eric) and he certainly went all out. Given the fact that I shoved this in many of my friend’s faces after first coming across it, I know firsthand that many people have not had the most positive reactions to We Are Water. I take full responsibility for this. I should have allowed these viewers to finish their lunch first.

7. Sebastian Tellier- Look


It’s obvious the dairy-air is an asset both women and men hold in high regard. Men write songs all about this one special body part, so why wouldn’t Sebastian Tellier allow it to take up his entire music video for star track Look. Baby got back!

6. The Growlers- People Don’t Change (Blues)


Jack Coleman’s film skills are top notch. In his video for People Don’t Change everything great about living at the beach in California and being young come together. This video was filmed in Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz while Coleman was hanging out with the band from Long Beach. I have only been away from my beachy home of San Diego for a few weeks and watching this video takes me right back.

5. CocoRosie-Lemonade


While I am a bigger fan of CocoRosie’s 2004 album, La Maison de Mon Rêve, their 2010 album has grown on me over the year. It is strikingly somber; maybe that is why it takes longer to appreciate. Regardless, the video for Lemonade, the most popular track on 2010’s Grey Ocean album, is noteworthy. As a girl I struggle to grow a beard, and frankly, even if I was capable of growing one, I would feel quite self conscious. Lemonade features an array of bearded-women. How can I argue against singing women with such nice beards?

4. Toro y Moi- Blessa


Blessa illustrates the feelings one might feel when one has reached the perfect stage of, let’s just say feeling good: everything glossy and soft around the edges; everything a little bit more beautiful and of course beer flowing out of measuring cups. I would love to be at the Blessa party and that’s what makes this video so great.

3. El Guincho- Bombay


El Guincho, or Pablo Diaz-Riexa, creates electronic beats by blending elements of African and Latin music. His 2010 album, Pop Negro, sounds much like his first album, Alegranza; however, Alegranza was missing a music video equivalent to this year’s Bombay video. El Guincho’s video is a strange array of mostly sexual, violent, or straight up bizarre clips. All are intriguing and perplexing. While one girl licks a tree branch another smashes eggs on her face and one man shoots a stuffed panda. This video pleases many senses and is worth a watch.

2. The Hundred in the Hands- Pigeons


Sometimes you just feel stifled. It has happened to me before at parties and social things; however, I have NEVER gone out to get air and projectile vomited fire. I wish I could acquire this trait only because of how glamorized it is in The Hundred in the Hands’ Pigeons video. Not only is projectile vomiting glamorized, but also the complete loss of balance. The Hundred in the Hands just hit the music scene this year after getting signed to Warp Records and I am definitely a fan. Glamorizing two traditionally embarrassing side effects of drinking definitely helped.

1. Baths- Lovely Bloodflow


Kristiana Lehn put it best when she explained Bath’s Lovely Bloodflow as the closest thing to a religious experience she has ever had. There is simplicity and oddity wrapped up in the same video here with Lovely Bloodflow. It is harmlessly creepy and comforting at the same time.

Honorable Mention:

Die Antwood-Evil Boy


Caribou- Odessa


Flying Lotus- Kill Your Co Workers


Top Ten Songs of 2010–Justin Marini

As we toast the memory of 2010 and ring in 2011, it would be foolish not to consider which songs made 2010 a special. I’d like to welcome everyone to the new section of the USDRadio.org known as “Favorites.” This will be a space for DJs to make top ten lists of some of their favorite genres, songs, albums, concerts…well, basically anything. This is an opportunity for our listeners to get a taste of what we all love over here at USD Radio. Below I have listed the ten songs that I believe made the music that came out of 2010 special. Enjoy!

Mumford & Sons, clashmusic.com

10. “Tighten Up” – The Black Keys – This is a far cry from what we have come to expect from the rockish-blues group, but I can’t help but love it. While “Tighten Up” may sound a little more mainstream to Black Keys fans, you cannot deny the raw guitar textures we have all come to love and expect from the Akron, OH based group.

9.“Nothin’ On You” – B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars- Yes, “Nothin’ On You” was definitely one of the most overplayed songs of 2010, but who can’t love this song? The lyrics are definitely a little cliché, but they’re nevertheless irresistible.  The smooth rhymes of B.O.B. accompanied by vocal standout Bruno Mars make for a very distinctive sound. Besides, what would a wrap-up of a year in music be without one sappy love song?

8. “Only the Young” – Brandon Flowers- Okay so maybe Brandon Flowers as a solo artist will never carry anywhere near as much glory or hype as The Killers’ Hot Fuss ever did, but “Only the Young” shows a lot of promise. In a year that will probably be remembered best for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, an earthquake in Haiti, obscene Arizona immigration laws, and Snooki, it is nice to hear an uplifting song with some depth every once in a while. “Only the Young” contains a message of reflection and redemption, giving hope to a generation of music that often lacks substance.

7. “Black and Yellow” – Wiz Khalifa- The Pittsburgh based rapper hit the scene with his breakout mixtape Kush and Orange Juice in April of 2010, and has seen tremendous success ever since.  “Black and Yellow” is the sort of song that at a first listen may not seem all that special, yet hours after hearing it for the first time, I found repeating “black and yellow, black and yellow…” like a mantra to myself, and came to love it.

6. “Not Afraid” – Eminem- Quite possibly the most controversial album of 2010, Recovery conjured up a wide range of emotions upon its release. While many found the album to be a positive breath of fresh air, others were critical of Recovery’s often-repetitive sound in what the Houston Chronicle referred to as “…a relentless, exhausting listen.” While that may be so, let’s give Em’ some credit. To me, “Not Afraid” is an indication of growth in Eminem as not only a rapper, but also as a person. While his message may not be as negative and he’s no longer on drugs, there is no question that the tight wound lyrical genius we have all come to love still thrives deep within “Not Afraid.”

5. “Down for the Count” – Girl Talk- One of the most overlooked albums of 2010, Girl Talk’s All Day may be his best release to date. The Pittsburgh based musician’s new song “Down for the Count” is an incredibly tight mash-up of sounds including (but not limited to) Eric Clapton, B.O.B., Usher, and even the late, great MJ. This is a track perfect for anytime you may need that extra jolt of motivation—in the gym, on your way to the bars, or just to kick start your day.

4. “Senior Skip Day” – Mac Miller- 2010 has been a great year for Pittsburgh based artists, and Mac Miller is no exception. While Mac Miller (aka Malcolm McCormick) did not see the same commercial success as fellow Rostrum Records standout Wiz Khalifa, his sound is nothing short of refreshing and new. “Senior Skip Day” is a glimpse into a day of sleeping in and enjoying the simple pleasures of doing nothing.  It is a subtle reminder that sometimes we need to let loose from the stresses of daily life and breathe easy. I have high hopes for this 18-year-old hip-hop prodigy in 2011. If you haven’t already, check this guy out!

3. “Laredo” – Band of Horses- The name Band of Horses has become synonymous with upbeat rock anthems, and “Laredo” does just this. I find this sound to be a mix of the upbeat vocals of The Magic Numbers (listen to “Forever Lost”) mixed with the classic sound of the Stone Temple Pilots (“Interstate Love Song”). I have yet to be disappointed by the Seattle based rock outfit, and have high hopes for these guys in 2011.

2. “F**k You” – Cee Lo Green- Picture this: your girlfriend has just dumped you for some jerk, a long list of homework which you have yet to attend to is waiting for you in the other room, and best of all, you’re broke. If this remotely describes you at any point in your life, then “F**k You” (I know, I wish I could just say it too) is the song for you. Albeit overplayed, Cee Lo Green takes the pent up frustration many of us face daily and puts an upbeat, soulful spin on it, sure to improve anyone’s mood!

1. “Little Lion Man” – Mumford & Sons- At the start of 2010, I never would have picked that an English folk-rock band would top my list. Of course, a year ago I doubt I would have imagined even publishing a top-ten list of songs for 2010. Mumford & Sons are not your average band. Rooted in the assertive yet enticing vocals of Marcus Mumford, it is the swirling sound that echoes out of instruments including the banjo, mandolin, and string bass (to name a few) that really ties together the unique sound of Mumford & Sons together. “Little Lion Man” says it all in one track. Lyrically addressing the self-loathing misery of pushing loved ones away, the positive air embedded in the instrumental backing suggests fixing the problems of your past and becoming a better man tomorrow. We could all find some truth in “Little Lion Man” as we ring in 2011.

Honorable Mentions:

“Every Day” – Girl Talk

“Stereo Love” – Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina

“Live Free” – Mac Miller

“Runaway” – Kanye West

I am looking for feedback on the “Favorites” section of USDRadio.org, so please don’t be shy. Maybe just go easy on me for my choices? Anyways, Happy New Year’s everyone!

—–Justin Marini